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The Mechanical Insulation Specialists

As an industry leader in mechanical insulation systems, PCI understands how energy loss to hot and cold systems can severely impact a company’s bottom line. Recognized for excellence in service, quality, understanding clients’ needs and promoting partnerships, PCI maximize’s value through cost savings and project management, adding margin to your bottom line. Our primary insulation services include:

  • Acoustical Insulation
  • Duct Insulation
  • Equipment Insulation
  • Insulation Blankets
  • Metal and PVC Jacketing for Insulation Systems
  • Plumbing and Pipe Insulation

Introducing BlanketShop™

The new App from PCI that makes Flange calculations simple and fast!


BlanketShop™ puts the power of estimating in the palm of your hand. It’s never been simpler! With the help of highly detailed images, this easy to use app walks you through each step of the process to generate your custom quote. Learn more about the BlanketShop™ app.



Industry Leader in Safety

PCI’s culture of safety makes the difference. A safe work environment is the foundation that PCI was built upon. Our award-winning “Target Zero Incidents” safety program is absolutely integral to every project. This program provides training and keeps workers fully dedicated and accountable to the safety and integrity of your project and property. This is reflected by an EMR safety rating that far exceeds national standards.


Doing the Right Things

We have the right people doing the right things the right way. Culture, integrity, talent and hard work combined together for our clients.

Rick Harris , Vice President of Strategic Accounts

We Know Insulation